The Law 2 of 1989 about the Association has enabled the citizens of Hungary to establish different societies and social associations.
After the change of the regime some of the leading characters of the Hungarian technical life, who were very much aware of the close interaction between the level of the industrial technology and the current state of the economy, have decided to seize the legal opportunities and follow the international examples by joining the professional elite of the Hungarian engineering and technical scientific society into an Academy of Engineering thus promoting the development of the Hungarian economy.
The Hungarian Academy of Engineering (HAE) is a non-profit association of experts, which was established on the 29th of January, 1990 by 42 founding members, from the engineering and technical scientific elite of the Hungarian society. At present HAE has 180 members. In electing new members, covering every field of technical life and the adequate representational of different fields are among the basic criteria.
The HAE aims to foster international integration of creative engineering activities by establishing the constitutional framework and functioning conditions of an independent national engineering academy in the Hungarian Republic in such a way, so as to enable the organised co-operation with the Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences (CAETS; Washington), and with the engineering academies of other countries, Hungarian scientific associations, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the Federation of Technical and Scientific Societies, institutions of higher education, and research institutions.
The declared aims of the HAE are to serve the Hungarian Republic and the nation in all fields connected to the development of techniques and technologies, as this is the basic instrument for social welfare, to act as a forum for collecting and exchanging information in the fields mentioned, to express its opinion, and to advise the Parliament, the Government, the Executive Branch of Government and other appropriate bodies.
In order to fulfil the above-mentioned aims, the HAE organises programs, competitions, study tours and publishes various printed materials.
HAE became a full member of CAETSin 1995, an associate member of European Council of Applied Sciences and Engineering (Euro-CASE) in 2000 and full member of Euro-CASE in 2005.