Recommendations for Hungary’s Innovation and R&D Strategy

Recommendations of the Hungarian Academy of Engineering for Hungary’s Innovation and R&D Strategy 2021-2030

This document presents evidence-based recommendations by the Hungarian Academy of Engineering for the draft of our nation’s governmental R&D strategy for the coming decade. Our summary encapsulates a list of complementary additions and emphases discussed within the framework of this shared action plan, aiming to broaden and deepen the spectrum of measures to enhance our innovation performance in terms of reach, mass, and effectiveness.

Horizontal Objectives:

Enforcing the full cycle of a market-driven innovation spiral model can provide a socially efficient operating environment for both public-driven community and market-demand-led innovation efforts. The focus should shift from R&D to an Innovation Science and/or Technology (I(TT)) model, satisfying market needs or aroused demand with market-recognized creative outcomes.

Knowledge Production:

The structured application of knowledge in goal-oriented problem-solving is essential. It requires a sensitive balance between societal-economic needs, educational outputs, quality knowledge transmission, and individual and community orientation phenomena.

Knowledge Flow:

Overcoming Hungary’s lack of social trust and weak associative willingness and ability requires a conscious pedagogy and social sensitization. An enhanced university language requirement and intensified university language education would be beneficial to improve our international competitiveness.

Knowledge Utilization:

Every innovation project should harmonize its technological (TRL), investment (IRL), and commercialization (CRL) readiness levels. Establishing a money market environment that supports a flexible state innovation capital policy and equity crowdfunding is essential for increasing start-up and spinoff intensity.

Supporting Implementation:

The Hungarian Academy of Engineering is committed to participating in expert groups assigned to the strategy’s goals and supporting the work of the national innovation ecosystem forum. Its involvement in a sample project aimed at developing engineering education demonstrates its dedication and readiness. This summary encapsulates the Hungarian Academy of Engineering’s comprehensive recommendations aimed at enhancing Hungary’s innovation and R&D strategy for the next decade.