Michelberger Award

Applications can be submitted with a written work that meets the following criteria:

  • Based on the achievement and presentation of significant results supported by science and practice (of a technical, natural science, engineering nature).
  • The submitter must be a creator (e.g., a PhD graduate or a young individual) under 40 years old who has achieved the results in a defining “Master and Apprentice” relationship, in professional collaboration in Hungary.
  • The application must concisely present the research work and its results in a way that also articulates the role and appreciation of the “Master”.
  • The application must include a one-year specific research plan, which is accepted by a domestic research institution, as proven by a written statement.
  • The applicant agrees to report on the results of one year of research work and to indicate the support of the HAE “MICHELBERGER AWARD” in its publications.

The AWARD consists of two parts:

  • For the Master, a plaque depicting Michelberger’s portrait and a certificate,
  • For the young applicant, a certificate and one year (12 months) of support for further scientific research (in the amount of 300,000 HUF/month).

The AWARD is granted by a jury consisting of representatives of the founders and sponsors.

Award Ceremony: At a HAE general assembly or a HAE public event, where the awardee presents the nominated work and the results achieved with the support in a short presentation.

Past years’ awardees

2021Tamás SzirányiCsaba BenedekMachine sensing of our dynamic environment and analysis of geospatial data collected with modern methods
2022Gábor HarsányiAttila BonyárDevelopment and optimization of a plasmonic principle-based biosensor
2023István VargaTamás TettamantiDesign and implementation of a flexible traffic control system for testing automated vehicle and transportation technologies